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Sedora (SC2)

From Solar Conquest
Sedora Planet
Playable TeamNo
Amount of oil well(s)3
Special PropertyUnderground tomb

Sedora is a planet in the Maya System which is similar to Javion in the Cocoa System, And Toraphan in the Wanwood System. With all of them being desert worlds. Sedora may be a prime target for the Unknown due to it being close proximity to the lobby.


On Sedora, there are multiple hills and mountains, near the capture point are several natural springs or ponds, and a cave nearby the mountain. There are also pits that the community nicknamed “Sarlacc Pits”. There are two of these pits, these pits lead to a huge maze cave system that features many mineable's, such as Iron, Gold, Uranium, and Coal (Or sometimes called obsidian). But because of how its underground, players do not really know of this cave system, probably due to wars, or just not knowing it exists. Within the maze, you can find Mummies, which act as the equivalent to Zombies on Hades in the Cocoa System and the Abominations on Gaze in the Wanwood System. The Mummies are probably the weakest out of three, as they are slow, easy to kill. But still do alot of damage if they touch you. They also drop Ru that gives 95.

Sedora's Surface.


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