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Periods of Nixus

From Solar Conquest

First Period - Tribal Conquests, era of great innovation and founding of Skawid’sma, a religious subsect of Squidist Thought, influenced by Scientists crashing from Cocoa.

Second Period - The First True Civilisation Rises, though the ruling Heads are quickly replaced by Skawid’sma House, of Foreign Origin and Species, they import many technologies and force local Nixuians into the Mines, the first submarine of Nixus origin is built.

Third Period - Revolts begin against the Squidist-Converted house of “Asivaru” Though they are quickly crushed, Millions are recorded dead.

Fourth Period - Shark Giorgio is born, as they give the locals the flame, this flame being the passion of knowledge and compassion.

Fourth’n’half Period - The Empire is kicked out of the planet after 130 years of war, During this Period they find a weird hairless biped that has crashed into their planet.

Fifth Period - Population lowers from 300M to 120M, as Guerilla attacks begin, with the Empire responding by destroying all major Cities.

Sixth Period - Shark Giorgio is declared Leader of the Free Nixus Movement, as he leads the Nixians to Victory after the battle of Sivarma

Sariba Period - Shark Giorgio dies, as the civilisation divides into City States and Small Kingdoms, No Wars thanks to the Sharkist Religion.

Takriba Period - The Temple of Habua’r is built, with most Folklore and Beliefs rising from this period, think of it as a first Rennaisance.

Sharishari Period - Kingdoms begin uniting, as the Five Islands soon become the only governments present on the planet.

Yunbari Period - Era of Great Technologies happen, as old Skawid’sma Technologies are discovered, this corrupts the Governments who now seek for power. Sharkism collapses after an asteroid.

Pa’ine Sungar Period - After the Asteroid, Governments are desperate, The Terrible War erupts, lasting 12000 years, 300M dead, 400M population total, number grows t’ill the modern age. At the end of this period the Nixians promise to never raise a Sword again, tons of Innovations and the discovery of Space Flight.

Pashiar Period - Sharkism rediscovered, spreading across the islands, a new Renaissance begins, upon old Sharkist Architecture and Paintings from a new Perspective, artists like Satri Gilei take inspiration from this movement.

Taburas Period - Monuments are rediscovered, aswell as rebuilt. A new wave of hedonistic style nihilism based on Sharkism spreads across the Youth. Ubarum Period - Monuments erected, time of wonder, Education is Enforced and Nixus is united under a Confederation, The Planet is in it’s golden age.

[CURRENT ERA] Sarilia Period - A time of Serenity and the best time to be alive, space travel revolutionized as the First Underwater Cities are built, the Nihilism of the previous age is still quite present, with a dash of hedonism sprinkled in. Though Sharkism still remains the major line of thought among the older generations.

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