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From Solar Conquest
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== General Description ==
{{Infobox Faction|name=Avalos Federation|image=AvalosFederation_Logo.png|leader=[[CorruptFight]]|active=No|been_in_war=Yes|dissolved_date=May 31, 2023|founding_date=March 23, 2022}}
{{Infobox Faction|name=Avalos Federation|image=AvalosFederation_Logo.png|leader=[[Corruptfight]]|active=No|dissolved_date=March 24, 2024|founding_date=March 23, 2022|War Record=4 wins - 1 loss}}CorruptFight’s Avalos Federation was a multi-game military roleplay faction based on the [[Cocoa System|Cocoa System’s]] [[Avalos (SC2)|Avalos]]. In its lifetime, AF (ingame, AFK to avoid censorship) was involved in 7 different games, had 300 members at its peak, and became the most feared faction within [[Solar Conquest 2|Solar Conquest II]] and [ Starbase]. The faction is no longer active as of February 2024. The Avalos Federation’s history can be separated into six distinct periods: the Solar Conquest Era, the Starbase Era, The Wild West Era, the New Fronts Initiative, the Hiatus, and Post-Hiatus.
The '''Avalos Federation''' was the biggest and by far the most active faction in SC2. It was the strongest faction to ever exist in SC2 and it continued to be the strongest faction until May 5, 2023 when it was officially shut down. It contributed in marvelous btools creations such as the '''[[Dyson Sphere]]''', the biggest btools-made creation in SC2 as of August 2023, and the '''[[Fortress Moon]]'''. They never lost a war in its entirety of the faction's history.
=== Notable membersOrigins ===
The Avalos Federation was created after the shutdown of the [[Havalu Space Agency]] [HSA] as its primary goal was to be the largest but didn't achieve the activity the [[CapColton|former president]] had hoped for. AF was founded on March 1st, 2022 by [[Corruptfight|CorruptFight]]. Originally not in use until March 26th, 2022 when [[Epicoperator|EpicsOperator]] proposed the faction be used to attend the first Faction Wars Tournament hosted by community admin [[Taletalon]].
[[Jeditto]] (game developer), [[Fish ermann|fish_erman]] (game contributor), [[CANIBUS]] (top 5 player), [[CorruptFight]] (former game moderator), [[EpicsOperator]] (top player)
The tournament ended with a close victory for the AF over the similarly competent Hampter Faction. Soon after this win, now community moderator [[Jeditto]] was signed on to be in the new faction's high command. From here, they began selective recruiting usually through in-game conversations. In the first two months of the group's existence, the Avalos Federation was believed to have garnered around fifty (50) personnel at the absolute maximum.
=== War team ===
CANIBUS, DeathPro91, bobeevee, dark364, EpicsOperator, CorruptFight
It was also around this time that Jeditto had planned schematics for the [[Dyson Sphere|Dyson Sphere,]] which was unfortunately met with failure due to a realization of the scale of the sun. For this reason, Jeditto, and good friend [[Fish Ermann|Fish_ermann]], teamed up with a small group of the Avalos Federation recruits in order to build what was now known as the [[Fortress Moon|Toraphan Fortress Moon]]. This would be considered the largest achievement completed by any faction to that date and would not be beaten until September of that year– by themselves.
== War record ==
Won 5-4 against Hampter Faction (1-0)<ref name=":0">EpicsOperator, [ Full Length Newsletter for April 2022]</ref>
=== National Lore ===
Won 8-1 against Zombie Slayers United (2-0)<ref name=":0" />
The Avalos Federation is believed to have been the descendants of the Havalu Space Agency. As years passed, Avalos became of extreme importance to [[Havalu (SC2)|Havalu]] thanks to the discovery of major coal deposits and geothermal energy potential. Given the quickly rising population of the planet, and Havalu being invaded by [[Kathara (SC2)|Kathara]] during the Great Extermination War, Avalos was released as an independent nation to free up local military forces to defend the homeworld.
After Havalu won the war, albeit with massive destruction on the homeworld, Avalos and Havalu merged to create the Avalos Federation, which included the two planets plus the moon [[Toraphan (SC2)|Toraphan]]. Avalos is divided into two local governments whilst Havalu is divided into four local governments, each with the jurisdiction of a major continent. Avalos further subdivides its governments into smaller states, for 15 in total. Toraphan falls under the jurisdiction of the “Old World” government centered in the State of Cocoa.
Won 9-0 against [[Cocoa System Research Team|CSRT]] and the [[Javion Sandistan Church]] (3-0)<ref>Taletal0n,</ref>
== Starbase Era ==
Won against CSRT for the second time (4-0)<ref>Content_Deleted,</ref>
After the April player wave had subsided the Solar Conquest II player count into the low fifties, the Avalos Federation moved to the game [ Starbase], in which it opened recruitment to the public. Still one of the most controversial parts of Avalos Federation history was in May 2022, when former admin [[Deathpro91]] created a Starbase division and gained official representation of the Avalos Federation against a 8-15 vote. Both CorruptFight and EpicsOperator were against the creation of the new division due to the heavy toxicity in the faction community, but had it not been for this action, Avalos may have not continued existing.
By now, it had already won two tournaments, the second being against [[Zombie Slayers|Zombie Slayers United]] [ZSU]. Extensive details about the battle can be found in EpicsOperator's [ April Newsletter to the Avalos Federation]. ZSU was considered a “fallen empire” within Starbase, as most of the faction’s members were permanently banned. An investigation was launched into Deathpro91 as he had been revealed to have had connections to ZSU, but no incriminating evidence was found and he was deemed non-hostile for the time being.
== References ==
The new game, and the controversy surrounding Avalos Federation's existence caused its player count to rise dramatically, up to around one-hundred twenty (120) by the end of May. Of these, around sixty (60) could adeptly play Solar Conquest II, and raids were frequently hosted in order to keep the peace in public servers. Unfortunately, as the game slowly lost popularity, raids would become less and less frequent with the month of August only seeing 2 raids in total.
On [ Labor Day] weekend, Jeditto and around twenty (20) interested individuals began work on the largest build in Solar Conquest II history and possibly all of [ bTools]: [[Dyson Sphere|the Dyson Sphere]]. This time, Jeditto had the manpower and the will to build continuously for 52 hours whilst many Avalosians subbed in and out to finish as much of the sphere as they could. It was estimated that the end result created a sphere with an internal surface area of ten million (10,000,000) studs. The Dyson Sphere was finished off with an internal cityscape and a major battle ensued afterwards.
With new factions appearing, the Avalos Federation began to worry about their supremacy in a game of which many had lost their skill. In October, they fought against combined forces of the [[Sandistian Church of Javion|Sandistian Church of Javion [SCJ]]] and the [[Cocoa System Research Team|Cocoa System Research Team [CSRT]]], which led to another win for the Federation. This battle was notable for the first successful detonations of [[Nuke|nuclear weapons]] by both sides, destroying enemy targets. The battle also saw the first instance in which the new [[Missile Tower|missile tower]] building was used, and vehicle armor being phased out in exchange for tower covering, a method in which towers are covered with bTools to give them more health.
== The Wild West Era ==
By the end of 2022, a majority of the Avalos Federation no longer played Solar Conquest II, and the game was no longer recognized as an official game. Sparks of activity came about during the few game nights they hosted within their faction, as most of their focus was turned towards their numerous wars in Starbase and [ The Wild West]. In Starbase, the Third Interstellar War involving the AF-controlled Central Commencement mega-alliance defeated both the Fish Empire and Nuclearite Territories forces. In The Wild West, controversy around AF officer darn444 became prevalent after the rival faction Frontier Militia lost a battle to the Feds and attributed the defeat to Guycot Chain Pistol exploits. These would be proven to be false, and game administration did not take further action in this situation.
A revived hope for the game came about when the Avalos Federation became aware of the [[Maya System]] Update in January 2023, and incursions on the game became more frequent. Unfortunately, a census conducted by the Avalos Federation on their own members showed that only 10% of the remaining active players had played Solar Conquest II. Consequently, attempts to bring back the division's official status by lower-ranking members of the faction did not succeed. From those who did not play Solar Conquest II, many were not interested nor did they hear of the game to begin with, discouraging officers from hosting events there.
In February of that year, Starbase's faction system was no longer sanctioned by the developers, and many prominent faction figures within the game were banned, in what is known to the Avalos Federation members as the "Breaking Point". According to Starbase's developers, factions, particularly the Avalos Federation, had placed immense stress on the game's community and development team who had sought to create an environment safer for more casual players. Though the direct cause is disputed, theories of what tipped development over was their demand for an integrated faction system, and for better game balancing. The dispute eventually turned into a riot in the Starbase Discord server, which led to these events unfolding.
In the fallout, many of the remaining intact factions from Starbase found refuge in the Avalos Federation's home game, Solar Conquest II, although many factions would find it impossible to sustain their groups here. Even though most factions fell apart over the coming months, they contributed to a short-term spike in Solar Conquest II's concurrent player count. Some of these players stuck around, identifying themselves with this community rather than ex-pats of Starbase.
== The Federation's Decline ==
Since Starbase had made up roughly 70% of all of the Avalos Federation members, and Solar Conquest II players making up around 8% at this point, the faction hit a depression in terms of activity. The Wild West and [ Starscape], two divisions that the Avalos Federation was also involved in, failed to materialize a player count that was hoped to keep the faction afloat. With the retirement of several officers, and with very little remaining activity, the Avalos Federation went into a hiatus effective May 30, 2023. During this time of intermittent activity, CorruptFight and [[Bingomsg]], two founding fathers of the Federation, retired. This left Admiral [[Prio]] (only one of two admirals promoted via the ranking system besides [[Canibus]]) in charge of the faction whilst Co-Founder EpicsOperator remained semi-active to help him.
During the hiatus, CorruptFight signed on two personal friends to the Avalos Federation high command, a massive blow to both the officer corps who had worked hard for their rank as well as the enlisted, who saw these promotions as unjustified. From here on out, Avalos was considered to have begun its decline. These two new admirals failed to host events, and many officers retired without activity to motivate them.
The Avalos Federation would exit its hiatus on September 23rd, 2023, when it reverted its "Empire" status quickly following the retirement of the Founder of the group. Coinciding with the [[Wanwood System]] Update, the Avalos Federation returned to Solar Conquest II as an official faction after a 30-1 vote on November 19th, 2023. They fought their final battle in Solar Conquest II on December 9th, 2023 against the faction conglomerate Cocoa Coalition ([[Albanitopia]] x [[Cocoa System Research Team]] x [[The Federal Republic of Havalu|Federal Republic of Havalu]]), which they had unfortunately lost due to inability to resist coordinated attacks from the enemy.
The resolve of the remaining Avalos Federation members was powerful, refusing to go down silently. In The Wild West, Avalos won several battles, most notably against Napoleon. Before the final retirement of the Avalos Federation, on March 24th, 2024, they gained the record of four wins to one loss (4-1) in Solar Conquest II, thirty-five wins to nine losses and four draws in The Wild West, and winning every single Starbase war they were involved in. A total of around 500 different people came through the ranks of the Avalos Federation, with around 40 officers (excluding Admirals) serving them.
'''''Glory to the Federation.'''''
== Significant Avalos Information ==
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!'''Notable Statistics for the Avalos Federation'''
!Minimum Estimate
!Maximum Estimate
!Likely Amount / Final
|Solar Conquest II - War Record
| -
| -
|4 wins, 1 losses
|Starbase - Battle Record
|61 wins and 2 losses confirmable from
reliable sources, faction v. faction battles
| +35 wins in faction v. faction
battles not documented / lost to time
|90 wins, 2 losses
|The Wild West - Battle Record
|35 wins, 4 draws, 9 losses
|37 wins, 6 draws, 12 losses
(possible +2 wins, +2 draws, +3
losses, were not documented)
|35 wins, 4 draws, 9 losses
|Discord - Total Members
|314, bots not counted
|Not exceeding 320
|314 Discord Members
|Starbase - Capital Ships Killed
|310 confirmable from reliable sources,
faction v. faction battles
| +500 in faction v. faction battles
not documented / lost to time
|800 enemy capital ships destroyed
in faction v. faction battles
|Starbase - Capital Ships Lost
|23 confirmable from reliable sources,
faction v. faction battles
| +45 in faction v. faction battles
controversial kill or no proof shown
|62 friendly capital ships destroyed
in faction v. faction battles
=== Major Achievements in Avalos History: ===
* '''[2022] March 26th: Opening of the Avalos Federation Started by EpicsOperator and CorruptFight'''
* '''April 2nd: Tournament win against Hampter Faction'''
* '''April 9th: Tournament win against Zombie Slayers United'''
* '''April 19th: Faction Roblox group opened to the public'''
* '''April 23rd: Construction of the Fortress Moon designed by Admiral Jeditto begins, and is the largest SCII build to date– being about 2.5x the size of The Cube and involving over 20 members in the community. In EpicsOperator’s opinion, this is one of the most important events in SCII history.'''
* May 10th: AF is accepted as an official faction in STARBASE
* '''May 13th: AF hits 100 unique human accounts in the Discord'''
* May 13th: FALCON attacks Cytozine Farm I, first AF ally named minecraftmogulo_dawg killed in action
* '''May 14th: Start of Intersystem War I, AF is at war with 11 factions'''
* May 17th: TEAF forms to fight the Avalos Federation
* May 17th: Fleet Admiral Bingofishpuncher defects from GFOR to AF.
* '''May 18th: The Great Trial begins, 3 TEAF diplomats are killed mercilessly (Refer to May Newsletter)'''
* May 28th: WILLE forms to fight the Avalos Federation
* '''May 28th: The battle of Small WILLE, AF caused 22 enemy capital losses'''
* June 5th: The Avalos Citadel is made by Avalos HICOM development
* '''June 12th: COS is exposed for rule violations, and Interstellar War I concludes'''
* June 15th: The AF Starscape Division is opened to the public
* '''July 16th: AF manages to collapse the Solar Pact in less than 24 hours'''
* July 27th: AF launches their first raid as an official faction in The Wild West
* July 29th: Fish Empire forces are hunted by AF 505th ODST, the first divisional attack on hostile assets
* August 2nd: Avalos Federation conducts a mass raid at 2:30 PM EST and manages to get 19 people into one server on STARBASE and more on Eclipsis.
* '''August 20th: The Nuclearite Territories sends their last message in #faction-diplomacy, leaving AF the uncontested leader of Starbase.'''
* August 31st: A briefing for the Dyson Sphere build is conducted and blueprints were released in preparation for a structure that would be around 3x the radius of the Fortress Moon, and be the largest Solar Conquest build if not the entire realm of bTools in sci-fi.
* September 1st: Avalos Federation begins working on the Dyson Sphere build.
* '''September 5th: The Avalos Federation finishes the Dyson Sphere build with a city. A siege then occurs and the structure is brutally beaten with members from Starbase and Starscape also attending. Over 20 people worked on the build consistently, taking about 102 hours to finish. On this day, CocoaWarrior came back to life and spoke for the first time in months in the Solar Conquest II discord. With a total internal surface area of ~100,000,000 studs, this is the largest build in the game’s history, if not all of bTools. This event shows AF’s persistence and power in numbers and skill.'''
* October 1st: The Third Interstellar War begins with the formation of the Interfaction Mutual Defense Treaty in Starbase, starting out with seven factions and around 100 personnel. This would increase to over 250 over the following days.
* '''October 4th: The Federation of Nyasouth is exposed by AF’s FSEA division, and revealed to the Starbase community. They were banned after a verbal conflict with the administration of the game, which almost led to the Admirals declaring a game division shutdown. FNYS was revealed to have embedded spies in AF and was proven to have the intent of nuking the server, as they had already done with another group in MFSX. This presented the greatest threat to national security since The Great Trial.'''
* October 5th: The IMDT rapidly deteriorates due to the revelation of FNYS as a nuclear group. After their ban, the former IMDT factions sign "white peace" treaties with the Federation, ending the Third Interstellar War on a good note.
* October 6th: The Wild West division is opened to the public due to high interest and many players having former experience with the game. Over the next 5 days, the Avalos Federation would gain six new personnel to join the ranks because of the move.
* '''October 15th: The Avalos Federation wins their third tournament in Solar Conquest II. It was against the only other faction still remaining in the game, that being the Sandistian Church of Javion. For the first time, nuclear weapons were effectively detonated on both sides in a faction war.'''
* November 8th: The modern ranking system is put into effect by the officer corps.
* November 14th: Former Admiral Jeditto is promoted to a Moderator in the Solar Conquest II community. Later, he will become one of its primary developers.
* November 24th: The Solar Conquest II Rapid Integration Guide is created to teach new players how to fit into the game. Three days later, a similar guide would come out for Starbase.
* December 16th: CorruptFight opens up the Church of the One True Squid, a group that primarily focuses on Solar Conquest II and spreading our ideology in Starbase.
* December 24th: The official end of the Third Intersystem War is on this date. ANK finally surrenders to AF after two months of sporadic skirmishes with a staggering amount of losses.
* '''[2023] January 8th: The Avalos Federation fights Cocoa System Research Team in an official Faction War in SCII. The Avalos Federation would win again, truly securing their position as the dominant faction within the game. At least 6 nuclear weapons were used during this conflict.'''
* January 20th: The formation of three new game divisions, those being The Wild West (second wave), Electric State DarkRP, and Waterloo at Home, were done in the temporary On New Fronts server. All divisions except for ESDRP have seen success during this time, with two major battles having occurred that month involving enemy factions.
* '''January 29th: For the first time since May of 2022, two new admirals were inducted into the Avalos Federation, and for the first time, these officers were promoted up the ladder and earned their positions legitimately. Rear Admirals Lennyjerry and Canibus.'''
=== List of SCII Notable Members ===
'''[[Jeditto]]''' - Avalos Federation high rank; responsible for the designing of the Dyson Sphere and Fortress Moon builds, current developer of SC2
'''[[Fish Ermann|fish_erman]]''' - Avalos Federation high rank; one of SC2's most notable builders, contributor to the game.
'''[[Canibus|CANIBUS]]''' - Avalos Federation high rank; one of SC2's best players in combat.
'''[[Corruptfight|CorruptFight]]''' - Avalos Federation founder; former game administrator.
'''[[Epicoperator|EpicsOperator]]''' - Avalos Federation co-founder; operations commander of four of [AF]'s faction wars.
=== SCII War Results ===
'''Won 5-4''' against [[Hampter|The Hampter Faction]] (1W-0L) – Controlled more planets
'''Won 8-1''' against [[Zombie Slayers|Zombie Slayers United]] (2W-0L) – Forfeiture, lack of enemy representatives
'''Won 9-0''' against [[Cocoa System Research Team|CSRT]] and the [[Church of Javion|Sandistian Church of Javion]] (3W-0L) – Enemy knocked out
'''Won 6-3''' against [[Cocoa System Research Team|CSRT]] for the second time (4W-0L) – Controlled more planets
ZSU forfeit rematch against AF on 17th April 2022.
CSRT forfeited a war against AF in April 2023.
'''Lost 0-9''' against [[The Cocoa Coalition]] (4W-1L) – Friendly forces knocked out
=== SCII War Teams ===
FC = Fleet/Faction Commander
'''v. Hampter Faction:''' FC CorruptFight, EpicsOperator, CANIBUS, dark364, DeathPro91, bobeevee
'''v. Zombie Slayers United''': FC EpicsOperator, CorruptFight, dark364, ''<u>[4th unidentifiable member]</u>''
'''v. Sandistian Church of Javion:''' FC EpicsOperator, CorruptFight, CANIBUS, avery123456784 | ''Substitutions: Niteblade22, Anakinskyewalker2010, CapitalShip_Bismarck''
'''v. Cocoa System Research Team:''' FC EpicsOperator, 1warrior, Jedijames1707, CapitalShip_Bismarck, lennyjerry, LancerotGaming_BTD, Gratedpuppet, progamer54608, blackvaran
'''v. Cocoa Coalition:''' FC EpicsOperator, CANIBUS, CapitalShip_Bismarck, TreeAdvertiser, destortedreaper, Exotic_Force1, GeorgeKillStrike2_1, mieper_esser, progamer54608, ''<u>[+2 additional unidentifiable members]</u>''
=== Additional resources ===
[ Avalos Federation YT Channel]
[ Avalos Federation Public/Declassified Documents]

Latest revision as of 07:07, 15 May 2024

General Description

Avalos Federation
Founding DateMarch 23, 2022
Dissolved DateMarch 24, 2024

CorruptFight’s Avalos Federation was a multi-game military roleplay faction based on the Cocoa System’s Avalos. In its lifetime, AF (ingame, AFK to avoid censorship) was involved in 7 different games, had 300 members at its peak, and became the most feared faction within Solar Conquest II and Starbase. The faction is no longer active as of February 2024. The Avalos Federation’s history can be separated into six distinct periods: the Solar Conquest Era, the Starbase Era, The Wild West Era, the New Fronts Initiative, the Hiatus, and Post-Hiatus.


The Avalos Federation was created after the shutdown of the Havalu Space Agency [HSA] as its primary goal was to be the largest but didn't achieve the activity the former president had hoped for. AF was founded on March 1st, 2022 by CorruptFight. Originally not in use until March 26th, 2022 when EpicsOperator proposed the faction be used to attend the first Faction Wars Tournament hosted by community admin Taletalon.

The tournament ended with a close victory for the AF over the similarly competent Hampter Faction. Soon after this win, now community moderator Jeditto was signed on to be in the new faction's high command. From here, they began selective recruiting usually through in-game conversations. In the first two months of the group's existence, the Avalos Federation was believed to have garnered around fifty (50) personnel at the absolute maximum.

It was also around this time that Jeditto had planned schematics for the Dyson Sphere, which was unfortunately met with failure due to a realization of the scale of the sun. For this reason, Jeditto, and good friend Fish_ermann, teamed up with a small group of the Avalos Federation recruits in order to build what was now known as the Toraphan Fortress Moon. This would be considered the largest achievement completed by any faction to that date and would not be beaten until September of that year– by themselves.

National Lore

The Avalos Federation is believed to have been the descendants of the Havalu Space Agency. As years passed, Avalos became of extreme importance to Havalu thanks to the discovery of major coal deposits and geothermal energy potential. Given the quickly rising population of the planet, and Havalu being invaded by Kathara during the Great Extermination War, Avalos was released as an independent nation to free up local military forces to defend the homeworld.

After Havalu won the war, albeit with massive destruction on the homeworld, Avalos and Havalu merged to create the Avalos Federation, which included the two planets plus the moon Toraphan. Avalos is divided into two local governments whilst Havalu is divided into four local governments, each with the jurisdiction of a major continent. Avalos further subdivides its governments into smaller states, for 15 in total. Toraphan falls under the jurisdiction of the “Old World” government centered in the State of Cocoa.

Starbase Era

After the April player wave had subsided the Solar Conquest II player count into the low fifties, the Avalos Federation moved to the game Starbase, in which it opened recruitment to the public. Still one of the most controversial parts of Avalos Federation history was in May 2022, when former admin Deathpro91 created a Starbase division and gained official representation of the Avalos Federation against a 8-15 vote. Both CorruptFight and EpicsOperator were against the creation of the new division due to the heavy toxicity in the faction community, but had it not been for this action, Avalos may have not continued existing.

By now, it had already won two tournaments, the second being against Zombie Slayers United [ZSU]. Extensive details about the battle can be found in EpicsOperator's April Newsletter to the Avalos Federation. ZSU was considered a “fallen empire” within Starbase, as most of the faction’s members were permanently banned. An investigation was launched into Deathpro91 as he had been revealed to have had connections to ZSU, but no incriminating evidence was found and he was deemed non-hostile for the time being.

The new game, and the controversy surrounding Avalos Federation's existence caused its player count to rise dramatically, up to around one-hundred twenty (120) by the end of May. Of these, around sixty (60) could adeptly play Solar Conquest II, and raids were frequently hosted in order to keep the peace in public servers. Unfortunately, as the game slowly lost popularity, raids would become less and less frequent with the month of August only seeing 2 raids in total.

On Labor Day weekend, Jeditto and around twenty (20) interested individuals began work on the largest build in Solar Conquest II history and possibly all of bTools: the Dyson Sphere. This time, Jeditto had the manpower and the will to build continuously for 52 hours whilst many Avalosians subbed in and out to finish as much of the sphere as they could. It was estimated that the end result created a sphere with an internal surface area of ten million (10,000,000) studs. The Dyson Sphere was finished off with an internal cityscape and a major battle ensued afterwards.

With new factions appearing, the Avalos Federation began to worry about their supremacy in a game of which many had lost their skill. In October, they fought against combined forces of the Sandistian Church of Javion [SCJ] and the Cocoa System Research Team [CSRT], which led to another win for the Federation. This battle was notable for the first successful detonations of nuclear weapons by both sides, destroying enemy targets. The battle also saw the first instance in which the new missile tower building was used, and vehicle armor being phased out in exchange for tower covering, a method in which towers are covered with bTools to give them more health.

The Wild West Era

By the end of 2022, a majority of the Avalos Federation no longer played Solar Conquest II, and the game was no longer recognized as an official game. Sparks of activity came about during the few game nights they hosted within their faction, as most of their focus was turned towards their numerous wars in Starbase and The Wild West. In Starbase, the Third Interstellar War involving the AF-controlled Central Commencement mega-alliance defeated both the Fish Empire and Nuclearite Territories forces. In The Wild West, controversy around AF officer darn444 became prevalent after the rival faction Frontier Militia lost a battle to the Feds and attributed the defeat to Guycot Chain Pistol exploits. These would be proven to be false, and game administration did not take further action in this situation.

A revived hope for the game came about when the Avalos Federation became aware of the Maya System Update in January 2023, and incursions on the game became more frequent. Unfortunately, a census conducted by the Avalos Federation on their own members showed that only 10% of the remaining active players had played Solar Conquest II. Consequently, attempts to bring back the division's official status by lower-ranking members of the faction did not succeed. From those who did not play Solar Conquest II, many were not interested nor did they hear of the game to begin with, discouraging officers from hosting events there.

In February of that year, Starbase's faction system was no longer sanctioned by the developers, and many prominent faction figures within the game were banned, in what is known to the Avalos Federation members as the "Breaking Point". According to Starbase's developers, factions, particularly the Avalos Federation, had placed immense stress on the game's community and development team who had sought to create an environment safer for more casual players. Though the direct cause is disputed, theories of what tipped development over was their demand for an integrated faction system, and for better game balancing. The dispute eventually turned into a riot in the Starbase Discord server, which led to these events unfolding.

In the fallout, many of the remaining intact factions from Starbase found refuge in the Avalos Federation's home game, Solar Conquest II, although many factions would find it impossible to sustain their groups here. Even though most factions fell apart over the coming months, they contributed to a short-term spike in Solar Conquest II's concurrent player count. Some of these players stuck around, identifying themselves with this community rather than ex-pats of Starbase.

The Federation's Decline

Since Starbase had made up roughly 70% of all of the Avalos Federation members, and Solar Conquest II players making up around 8% at this point, the faction hit a depression in terms of activity. The Wild West and Starscape, two divisions that the Avalos Federation was also involved in, failed to materialize a player count that was hoped to keep the faction afloat. With the retirement of several officers, and with very little remaining activity, the Avalos Federation went into a hiatus effective May 30, 2023. During this time of intermittent activity, CorruptFight and Bingomsg, two founding fathers of the Federation, retired. This left Admiral Prio (only one of two admirals promoted via the ranking system besides Canibus) in charge of the faction whilst Co-Founder EpicsOperator remained semi-active to help him.

During the hiatus, CorruptFight signed on two personal friends to the Avalos Federation high command, a massive blow to both the officer corps who had worked hard for their rank as well as the enlisted, who saw these promotions as unjustified. From here on out, Avalos was considered to have begun its decline. These two new admirals failed to host events, and many officers retired without activity to motivate them.

The Avalos Federation would exit its hiatus on September 23rd, 2023, when it reverted its "Empire" status quickly following the retirement of the Founder of the group. Coinciding with the Wanwood System Update, the Avalos Federation returned to Solar Conquest II as an official faction after a 30-1 vote on November 19th, 2023. They fought their final battle in Solar Conquest II on December 9th, 2023 against the faction conglomerate Cocoa Coalition (Albanitopia x Cocoa System Research Team x Federal Republic of Havalu), which they had unfortunately lost due to inability to resist coordinated attacks from the enemy.

The resolve of the remaining Avalos Federation members was powerful, refusing to go down silently. In The Wild West, Avalos won several battles, most notably against Napoleon. Before the final retirement of the Avalos Federation, on March 24th, 2024, they gained the record of four wins to one loss (4-1) in Solar Conquest II, thirty-five wins to nine losses and four draws in The Wild West, and winning every single Starbase war they were involved in. A total of around 500 different people came through the ranks of the Avalos Federation, with around 40 officers (excluding Admirals) serving them.

Glory to the Federation.

Significant Avalos Information

Notable Statistics for the Avalos Federation Minimum Estimate Maximum Estimate Likely Amount / Final
Solar Conquest II - War Record - - 4 wins, 1 losses
Starbase - Battle Record 61 wins and 2 losses confirmable from

reliable sources, faction v. faction battles

+35 wins in faction v. faction

battles not documented / lost to time

90 wins, 2 losses
The Wild West - Battle Record 35 wins, 4 draws, 9 losses 37 wins, 6 draws, 12 losses

(possible +2 wins, +2 draws, +3 losses, were not documented)

35 wins, 4 draws, 9 losses
Discord - Total Members 314, bots not counted Not exceeding 320 314 Discord Members
Starbase - Capital Ships Killed 310 confirmable from reliable sources,

faction v. faction battles

+500 in faction v. faction battles

not documented / lost to time

800 enemy capital ships destroyed

in faction v. faction battles

Starbase - Capital Ships Lost 23 confirmable from reliable sources,

faction v. faction battles

+45 in faction v. faction battles

controversial kill or no proof shown

62 friendly capital ships destroyed

in faction v. faction battles

Major Achievements in Avalos History:

  • [2022] March 26th: Opening of the Avalos Federation Started by EpicsOperator and CorruptFight
  • April 2nd: Tournament win against Hampter Faction
  • April 9th: Tournament win against Zombie Slayers United
  • April 19th: Faction Roblox group opened to the public
  • April 23rd: Construction of the Fortress Moon designed by Admiral Jeditto begins, and is the largest SCII build to date– being about 2.5x the size of The Cube and involving over 20 members in the community. In EpicsOperator’s opinion, this is one of the most important events in SCII history.
  • May 10th: AF is accepted as an official faction in STARBASE
  • May 13th: AF hits 100 unique human accounts in the Discord
  • May 13th: FALCON attacks Cytozine Farm I, first AF ally named minecraftmogulo_dawg killed in action
  • May 14th: Start of Intersystem War I, AF is at war with 11 factions
  • May 17th: TEAF forms to fight the Avalos Federation
  • May 17th: Fleet Admiral Bingofishpuncher defects from GFOR to AF.
  • May 18th: The Great Trial begins, 3 TEAF diplomats are killed mercilessly (Refer to May Newsletter)
  • May 28th: WILLE forms to fight the Avalos Federation
  • May 28th: The battle of Small WILLE, AF caused 22 enemy capital losses
  • June 5th: The Avalos Citadel is made by Avalos HICOM development
  • June 12th: COS is exposed for rule violations, and Interstellar War I concludes
  • June 15th: The AF Starscape Division is opened to the public
  • July 16th: AF manages to collapse the Solar Pact in less than 24 hours
  • July 27th: AF launches their first raid as an official faction in The Wild West
  • July 29th: Fish Empire forces are hunted by AF 505th ODST, the first divisional attack on hostile assets
  • August 2nd: Avalos Federation conducts a mass raid at 2:30 PM EST and manages to get 19 people into one server on STARBASE and more on Eclipsis.
  • August 20th: The Nuclearite Territories sends their last message in #faction-diplomacy, leaving AF the uncontested leader of Starbase.
  • August 31st: A briefing for the Dyson Sphere build is conducted and blueprints were released in preparation for a structure that would be around 3x the radius of the Fortress Moon, and be the largest Solar Conquest build if not the entire realm of bTools in sci-fi.
  • September 1st: Avalos Federation begins working on the Dyson Sphere build.
  • September 5th: The Avalos Federation finishes the Dyson Sphere build with a city. A siege then occurs and the structure is brutally beaten with members from Starbase and Starscape also attending. Over 20 people worked on the build consistently, taking about 102 hours to finish. On this day, CocoaWarrior came back to life and spoke for the first time in months in the Solar Conquest II discord. With a total internal surface area of ~100,000,000 studs, this is the largest build in the game’s history, if not all of bTools. This event shows AF’s persistence and power in numbers and skill.
  • October 1st: The Third Interstellar War begins with the formation of the Interfaction Mutual Defense Treaty in Starbase, starting out with seven factions and around 100 personnel. This would increase to over 250 over the following days.
  • October 4th: The Federation of Nyasouth is exposed by AF’s FSEA division, and revealed to the Starbase community. They were banned after a verbal conflict with the administration of the game, which almost led to the Admirals declaring a game division shutdown. FNYS was revealed to have embedded spies in AF and was proven to have the intent of nuking the server, as they had already done with another group in MFSX. This presented the greatest threat to national security since The Great Trial.
  • October 5th: The IMDT rapidly deteriorates due to the revelation of FNYS as a nuclear group. After their ban, the former IMDT factions sign "white peace" treaties with the Federation, ending the Third Interstellar War on a good note.
  • October 6th: The Wild West division is opened to the public due to high interest and many players having former experience with the game. Over the next 5 days, the Avalos Federation would gain six new personnel to join the ranks because of the move.
  • October 15th: The Avalos Federation wins their third tournament in Solar Conquest II. It was against the only other faction still remaining in the game, that being the Sandistian Church of Javion. For the first time, nuclear weapons were effectively detonated on both sides in a faction war.
  • November 8th: The modern ranking system is put into effect by the officer corps.
  • November 14th: Former Admiral Jeditto is promoted to a Moderator in the Solar Conquest II community. Later, he will become one of its primary developers.
  • November 24th: The Solar Conquest II Rapid Integration Guide is created to teach new players how to fit into the game. Three days later, a similar guide would come out for Starbase.
  • December 16th: CorruptFight opens up the Church of the One True Squid, a group that primarily focuses on Solar Conquest II and spreading our ideology in Starbase.
  • December 24th: The official end of the Third Intersystem War is on this date. ANK finally surrenders to AF after two months of sporadic skirmishes with a staggering amount of losses.
  • [2023] January 8th: The Avalos Federation fights Cocoa System Research Team in an official Faction War in SCII. The Avalos Federation would win again, truly securing their position as the dominant faction within the game. At least 6 nuclear weapons were used during this conflict.
  • January 20th: The formation of three new game divisions, those being The Wild West (second wave), Electric State DarkRP, and Waterloo at Home, were done in the temporary On New Fronts server. All divisions except for ESDRP have seen success during this time, with two major battles having occurred that month involving enemy factions.
  • January 29th: For the first time since May of 2022, two new admirals were inducted into the Avalos Federation, and for the first time, these officers were promoted up the ladder and earned their positions legitimately. Rear Admirals Lennyjerry and Canibus.

List of SCII Notable Members

Jeditto - Avalos Federation high rank; responsible for the designing of the Dyson Sphere and Fortress Moon builds, current developer of SC2

fish_erman - Avalos Federation high rank; one of SC2's most notable builders, contributor to the game.

CANIBUS - Avalos Federation high rank; one of SC2's best players in combat.

CorruptFight - Avalos Federation founder; former game administrator.

EpicsOperator - Avalos Federation co-founder; operations commander of four of [AF]'s faction wars.

SCII War Results

Won 5-4 against The Hampter Faction (1W-0L) – Controlled more planets

Won 8-1 against Zombie Slayers United (2W-0L) – Forfeiture, lack of enemy representatives

Won 9-0 against CSRT and the Sandistian Church of Javion (3W-0L) – Enemy knocked out

Won 6-3 against CSRT for the second time (4W-0L) – Controlled more planets

ZSU forfeit rematch against AF on 17th April 2022.

CSRT forfeited a war against AF in April 2023.

Lost 0-9 against The Cocoa Coalition (4W-1L) – Friendly forces knocked out

SCII War Teams

FC = Fleet/Faction Commander

v. Hampter Faction: FC CorruptFight, EpicsOperator, CANIBUS, dark364, DeathPro91, bobeevee

v. Zombie Slayers United: FC EpicsOperator, CorruptFight, dark364, [4th unidentifiable member]

v. Sandistian Church of Javion: FC EpicsOperator, CorruptFight, CANIBUS, avery123456784 | Substitutions: Niteblade22, Anakinskyewalker2010, CapitalShip_Bismarck

v. Cocoa System Research Team: FC EpicsOperator, 1warrior, Jedijames1707, CapitalShip_Bismarck, lennyjerry, LancerotGaming_BTD, Gratedpuppet, progamer54608, blackvaran

v. Cocoa Coalition: FC EpicsOperator, CANIBUS, CapitalShip_Bismarck, TreeAdvertiser, destortedreaper, Exotic_Force1, GeorgeKillStrike2_1, mieper_esser, progamer54608, [+2 additional unidentifiable members]

Additional resources

Avalos Federation YT Channel

Avalos Federation Public/Declassified Documents

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